Zick’s has been around since 1961, when we started out as a grocery store. Over the years we decided to zero in on our passion for making old world style meats. We honor the tradition and spirit of our craft, and at the same time, we are enthusiastic about creating unique products to share with our family, friends, and customers. We specialize in German Style Sausage and meat processing, as well as exotic and wild game meat snacks and jerky. We began, and remain, family owned and operated.
All of Zick’s products are USDA inspected. This means that there is a USDA inspector on site each production day and products are produced under the HACCP standard program. All products are approved in Washington and the raw product and processes meet or exceed their standards. All of our meats are farm-raised and pre and post mortem inspections are performed on animals. All products are approved for intrastate trade, Mexico and Canada.